Vintage furniture is here to stay!

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Sometimes I look at the trends on TV as a reference for what is popular and what is interesting to the consumer today. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination, but it looks like more and more TV shows are focusing on refurbishing junkyard items and making old products new again. It usually consists of an all over search for that special “salvage” item and the reuse of it into a spectacular piece of furniture or household object.
Although there has always been a strong following for antiques and flea market finds, it seemed that within the last 5 years or so the trend had died down. But, I think it’s back and it’s here to stay!!
So, do you want my thoughts on why? Of course you do…Well I think it is because Americans have decided it’s time to stop being wasteful and to start being creative!! They feel like the hunt for something to reuse is much more exciting than just going to a store and pickup up another run-of-the-mil item. They want something unique! Something with a story and with a past! Isn’t it more exciting to have something unique anyways?
In addition to this is the cost factor. The fun and excitement here is having found something for dirt cheap and fixing it for much less than what it would cost if you bought it in a store.
And finally there is the GREEN factor. Let’s not forget how green this can be, right? Furniture and home accessories that are reused, reupholstered, and repainted are all very green options for your home. It is completely recycling something and repurposing it. So, for someone who is Earth conscious and wants to strengthen their green power, this is perfect!
So don’t be afraid to stretch your creativity and check out a flea market, second hand stores, yard sales, or junk yard to see what kind of treasure you can find. You may be surprised because after all, “Ones mans junk, is another man’s treasure!”


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